The TMI Project Story Hour
The TMI Project Story Hour features stories from more than a decade of live TMI Project performances, profiling the brave souls who stepped on stage and shared the stories they were most afraid to tell. Here we will take a deeper dive and share the stories behind the secrets, and what happened next.
The podcast that launched in April of 2020 and Raine has been a writer, editor, and co-producer since 2023. The podcast has appeared twice on Apple’s New & Noteworthy and has been featured on Spotify and Pandora. In 2023, The TMI Project Story Hour was given the highest honor at International Women’s Podcast Awards, taking home the award for Changing the World One Moment at a Time; and received recognition at Sonic Bloom Awards for Gender Justice and Voice of the People.
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Select Episodes
Episode featuring a story by Raine | Episode Description: Eva talks to Katie, Tina, and Raine to explore the ultimate TMI topic: menstruation. Get a sneak peek into TMI Project’s partnership with the brave students of Kingston High School’s Period Power! Club as they prepare for their upcoming performance and emphasize the challenges faced by those who menstruate, the impact of period poverty, and the urgent need for comprehensive education.
Episode hosted by Raine | Episode Description: After a waiting room experience that forces her to leave the doctor’s office before receiving the services she needed, Katie is slow to trust doctors. A small gesture from a kind, affirming doctor helps not only restore Katie’s faith in healthcare, but strengthen her faith in humanity.
Episode featuring a story by Raine | Episode Description: When a blundering, transphobic endocrinologist treats Raine like a research animal during a routine visit for a prescription hormone refill, he vows never to go back. Now, a medical emergency is forcing Raine to face his fear of doctors and advocate for the care he needs.